Your Difference
Your contribution to Chaminade High School is both an endorsement of our mission and an investment in the future. Chaminade strives to provide the most comprehensive Catholic education for the young men of Long Island at an affordable price.

Ways to Give
Give Online Now
Making a gift to Chaminade is as simple as filling out this form. Thank you for your generosity!
Mail A Check
You may support Chaminade by sending a check made payable to the Chaminade Development Fund and mailed to the Office of Advancement at 340 Jackson Ave., Mineola, NY 11501.
Phone In A Gift
Our Advancement staff is here to receive your calls, answer any questions, and receive your donation. Call (516) 742-5555 ext. 444. Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express cards are all accepted.
Gifting Appreciated Stock
Gifts of stocks or bonds benefit Chaminade and the donor. Call the Office of Advancement at (516) 742-5555 ext. 444, and we can help you determine the best way to gift appreciated securities. To donate a stock gift, click here.
Make A Pledge
Pledge your support of Chaminade students over time. Pledges may be completed online or by calling the Office of Advancement at (516) 742-5555 ext. 444. If you choose to make a pledge, we'll remind you when a payment is scheduled.
Make A Recurring Gift
Make a plan or a schedule to offer a gift to Chaminade. Recurring gifts can be made routinely -- monthly or annually.
Matching Gifts
Your employer may sponsor matching gift programs and will match charitable contributions made by an employee. With matching gifts, you can even double or triple a contribution to Chaminade!
Make A Planned Gift
Keep the Torch burning eternally. By naming Chaminade in your will or trust, you will provide a lasting gift that will greatly help Chaminade and its students.
Text to Give
You can now text your gift to Chaminade through your mobile phone. Text Chaminade to 91011 to make your Torch donation today! You will be directed to a gift form where you can enter your credit card information.
Our Campus
Gifts to the Chaminade Development Fund have assisted in the financing of many expansions and renovations of the Chaminade campus over the years. It has grown to include a Physical Fitness Center; an Activity-Athletic Center; Gold Star Stadium; a Bloomberg Business Center; and the Dolan Family Science, Technology, and Research Center.
Tuition Savings
Chaminade's Torch Fund solicits unrestricted gifts to the Development Fund. Earnings from investments are used to reduce tuition costs for every student. This year, the Torch Fund subtracted $2,340 from each student's tuition.
Student Aid
Financial aid is awarded based on need and available funds. Merit scholarships are offered to candidates based on their scores on the Catholic High Schools Entrance Examination. Merit scholarships may be received in subsequent years, as well.
No Extra Fees
Chaminade does not "nickel-and-dime" its families if their sons choose to participate in athletics, co- or extra-curricular activities. There are no additional fees attached to membership in clubs or teams students may enjoy. Furthermore, general gifts to the school may support equipment and necessities to enrich the offering of those activities.
THE LATEST Technology
Each Chaminade student receives an iPad when he begins his freshman year. All of Chaminade's classrooms are "smart" classrooms -- with AppleTV compatible with each student's personal device. Work may be shared with the entire class. Language and fine arts classes now include listening components made possible by the iPad. This technology welcomes a host of opportunities through which students may engage in multi-modal, collaborative learning as they develop 21st-century skills and conscientious digital citizenship.