Student Publications
Chaminade students work throughout the course of the academic year on three school-wide publications: Tarmac, Crimson and Gold, and Skylight.
Tarmac, the school newspaper, has continuously informed the student population with news, feature stories, and editorials since 1934. Its student journalists have earned numerous awards for their work; Tarmac was recognized as the Best High School Newspaper in New York State for three consecutive years by the New York Press Association.
Cognizant of the technological evolution of news media, Tarmac regularly shares its stories online. Bookmark for the latest news.

Nicholas Plante ’18 and Bishop John Barres review the latest issue of Tarmac after a one-on-one interview.
Crimson and Gold, Chaminade's yearbook, is an artistic and literary work published specifically to memorialize a year in the history of Chaminade. Crimson and Gold staff members participate in various aspects of production, including writing, photography, layout, and desktop publishing.
Each member of the student body receives a digital copy of the yearbook; seniors are given a hard copy after graduation. An advertising campaign is conducted at the beginning of each school year to offset the cost of the yearbook.
Crimson and Gold editors-in-chief Ryan Smith ’17 and Owen Hanley ’17 work on the layout for the senior section.
Skylight, the Chaminade literary magazine, features creative writing in areas such as poetry, short stories, and essays, along with photography and art.
Skylight offers students the unique opportunity to express a deeper, personal, creative form of writing that can be born out of any sort of inspiration. Typically, students produce two issues during the course of the year. Submissions are always welcome. Works may be of any length or subject. Copies of the magazine are distributed in homerooms.

Two recent Skylight editions include cover art from students and 11 original compositions in its pages.