Attendance Policy

I. Statement of the overall objectives to be accomplished

As part of the Philosophy of Education at Chaminade High School, attendance is a critical component for academic achievement and success. Students are expected to be in school and on time on all days when school is in session. Class days are noted on the School Calendar, which is published annually with the School Handbook.

General policies and procedures can also be found in the Student Handbook or upon further request from the Assistant Dean of Students. These policies are in accordance with Education Law Section 3205 and Commissioner’s Regulations Section 104.1(i).

In the event that a student is absent, please print, fill out, and sign the Chaminade Attendance Form and return it to the Office of the Assistant Dean of Students. The form may also be found in the Hangar section of Canvas under the Office of the Dean/Assistant Dean.

II. Description of the specific strategies to be employed to accomplish these objectives

A. Attendance is taken at the beginning of each school day prior to the first period of instruction by each Homeroom Moderator.

B. Attendance is taken by all teachers at the beginning of each scheduled class or study period throughout the course of the day

C. Attendance is taken by all teachers during assemblies, class and school field trips, and retreats, etc.

D. Once a student arrives at school in the morning, he may not leave the premises until the school day is over without parental permission and clearance from the Dean of Students.

III. Determination of which pupil absences, tardiness and early departures will be excused and which will not be excused and an illustrative list of excused and unexcused pupil absences and tardiness (Refer to Student Handbook page 23).

A. A student is considered legally absent (excused) from school for the following reasons: College visitations, illnesses, deaths or funerals, attending graduation, religious events (i.e. baptisms, communions, confirmations, or weddings), and court hearings.

B. A student who is not present in their respective homeroom during the attendance check is tardy.

C. Unlawful detention (unexcused) occurs when a student is absent with the knowledge and consent, stated or implied, of his parent, for other than legal reasons.

D. A student whose parents expects him to be in school and does not attend for other than legal reasons listed above is considered truant (unexcused).

E. A student is excused early (early departure) only when parental permission is given in advance to the Dean of Students for reasons that would constitute a legal absence.

IV. Description of the coding system used to identify the reason for a pupil’s absence, tardiness or early departure recorded in the register of attendance

A. A student is marked as absent, tardy or early departure. Please consult the Assistant Dean of Students for a more defined coding system.

V. Description of Chaminade High School’s policy regarding pupil attendance and a pupil’s ability to receive credit.

A. Parents whose sons will be out of school for five or more days should call the Chaminade Guidance Department concerning the work the student is missing. If a student will be absent for fewer than five days due to illness, parents or the student should contact a fellow student concerning missed work.

B. Students requiring excuse from an individual gym class must present the Dean of Students with a note from their parents the start of the day. Students who are missing gym class are required to make up all missed classes. Missed physical education classes are made up after school, or on Saturdays, according to the schedule determined by the Physical Education Department.

C. Any student who is absent without excuse from the trimester exams or the written comprehensive examination fails the course.

D. If a student is absent from a comprehensive examination for a reason which is approved by the Administration, then he must take a comprehensive examination in the summer.

VI. Description of the incentives to be employed to encourage pupil attendance and the disciplinary sanctions to be used to discourage unexcused pupil absences, tardiness and early departures

A. Students not present for the morning attendance check are tardy and must report to the Attendance Office. If they are tardy, students must report to the Dean after school on the day of the tardiness unless excused by the Assistant Dean of Students.

B. The penalty for truancy is ten demerits. Students who are absent from a classroom or from assemblies are also liable to demerits.

C. Students who are absent on more than five occasions or who are absent for reasons that constitute unlawful detention may be liable to administrative intervention and disciplinary action from the Dean of Students. Excessive lateness may also be liable to administrative intervention disciplinary action.

D. Students with perfect attendance are recognized and awarded certificates.

VII. Description of the notice to be provided to the parent(s) of or person(s) in parental relation to pupils who are absent, tardy or depart early without proper excuse

A. Parents are informed of their son’s absence and tardiness on the report card. Parents wishing a more current record are free to call the Office of the Assistant Dean of Students any school morning or they may consult the Parent Portal section in PowerSchool.

B. Parents whose sons will be out of school for five or more days should call the Chaminade Guidance Department concerning the work the student is missing.

C. If a student will be absent for fewer than five days due to illness, parents or the student should contact a fellow student concerning missed work.

D. Parents may bring errors to the attention of the school through a letter addressed to the Assistant Dean of Students.

VIII. Description of the process Chaminade High School will use to develop specific intervention strategies to address attendance problems

A. A student who has been absent from school for any part of the day may not participate in any activities, sports, practices, etc., on that day. Any exception to this must be cleared directly with the Dean of Students in advance of the activity, game, etc.

B. Students who are absent on more than five occasions or who are absent for reasons that constitute unlawful detention may be liable to administrative intervention and disciplinary action. Excessive lateness may also be liable to administrative intervention disciplinary action.

C. Parents whose sons will be out of school for five or more days due to illness should call the Chaminade Guidance Department concerning the work the student has missed.

IX. Identification of the person(s) designated in each school building who will be responsible for reviewing attendance records and initiating appropriate action to address unexcused pupil absence, tardiness and early departure consistent with the comprehensive attendance policy

A. Parents are informed of their son’s absence and tardiness on the report card. Parents wishing a more current record are free to call the Office of the Assistant Dean of Students any school morning.

B. Parents may bring any errors to the attention of the school through a letter addressed to the Assistant Dean of Students.

C. Students requiring excuse from an individual gym class must present the Dean of Students with a note from their parents. The Dean of Students will make an administrative decision concerning the validity of the request.

D. Any student that is tardy must report to the Dean of Students after school on that day unless excused by the Assistant Dean of Students.

E. Students arriving after the morning attendance check are sent to the receptionist to sign in. Any discrepancies are reconciled by the Assistant Dean of Students.

F. A student is excused early only when parental permission is given in advance to the Dean of Students for reasons that would constitute a legal absence.

G. College visitations, illnesses, deaths or funerals, attending graduation, religious events (i.e. baptisms, communions, confirmations, or weddings), and court hearings constitute excused absences. Vacations, outside athletic events, or family emergencies are unexcused or unlawful absences.

Situation Excused Absence Unexcused Absence
College Visitation




Death, funeral


Attending graduation


Religious event (baptism, communion, confirmation, wedding)


Court hearing




Outside athletic event  


Family emergency  




All of the above situations will appear as an absence on student report cards. Any school-sponsored event, sport, or activity is not considered an absence.