A Letter from Lou Gerstner ’59

Dear Flyers, family, and friends,

During my time as CEO of IBM, I saw firsthand that a strong education in science and research gives young people a competitive edge in the workforce. Later on, through my work with the Gerstner Sloan Kettering Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, I saw those same critical thinking and lab skills put to use by ground-breaking medical researchers whose work has saved countless lives. Our world – and our nation in particular – needs more bright young people of integrity with strong science skills.

When I heard about Chaminade’s plan to construct the Science, Technology, and Research Center, I was thrilled. My rigorous, Chaminade education, rooted in Catholic values, empowered me to make a positive impact in the world. Integrating cutting-edge research and teaching tools into a time-tested, Catholic curriculum will make an excellent education into a truly exceptional one. Building this science center is the right thing to do, and this is the right time to do it.

I am excited to see that over ___ families (listed below) have already pledged their support to the project. Standing upon the strong foundation they have built, I have decided to issue a $1 million challenge grant to the rest of the Chaminade Family. If you have not yet given to the Empowering campaign, but you do so by Saturday, March 31, I’ll match it dollar-for-dollar. To create an added incentive, if you make a three-year pledge to double your usual annual giving, I’ll double my match as well and contribute $2 for every $1 you give. If this is your first-ever gift or pledge to Chaminade, I’ll match your contribution $2 for $1 also. I am offering up to $1 million in matching funds to encourage everyone to participate in this landmark endeavor!

Since Chaminade needs your support, I’ve incorporated a deadline into this challenge grant. The matching period expires on Saturday, March 31. As a Chaminade alum myself, I know how competitive the Flyers can be. Therefore, I challenge you to make your pledge by March 31 so that Chaminade receives the full $1 million grant I’m offering.

Your support now will put Chaminade in the strongest possible position to provide exceptional, financially-accessible Catholic education for years to come.

Thank you for your consideration, and Fortes in Unitate,