Feast of All Saints

Feast of All Saints

Chaminade recently commissioned a new set of banners portraying the images of our eight Marianist Martyrs: Blessed Jakob, who gave his life in Austria during World War II, as well as those who were martyred during the Spanish Civil War. On this Feast of All Saints, let us remember them and pray for their intercession.

Good and Gracious God, We thank you for the lives of the Blessed Marianist Martyrs Jakob Gapp, Carlos Eraña, Fidel Fuidio, Jesús Hita, Miguel Léibar, Florencio Arnáiz, Joaquín Ochoa, and Sabino Ayastuy. By their example, inspire us to grow in your love and walk in your ways. Like them, may your light within us always shine forth. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

To learn more about our eight Marianist Martyrs, please click here.